Friday, May 15, 2009

Im just a girl

So my car has been acting up the last month. I will be driving down the road, foot on the gas, and my car will just shut off. It has happened at stop signs, in the ATM drive up, and also in the parking lot of my sons school at the exact moment his way cute "friend that just happens to be a girl and her cell# showed up on my last months text bill 783 times" was being dropped off. I usually just have to pull over and it starts right back up, so I figure I got some crappy gas and it will flush itself out.....


Before I explain the problem I feel I should reinforce 5 important facts to remember:
1. I am a girl
2. Cars are extremely complex pieces of equipment that can, and should, only be handled by a certified professional
3. a $15,000 car should tell you if it is in need of something
4. It took me three times to pass the drivers ed test
5. I am a girl

With that in mind......I will proceed...
So my car dies today on my way to get a Grande Mocha Frappachino. I put it in park and turned the key does not I try start. OMG! I am stranded and there are people staring at me and mouthing words I cannot repeat. I get honked at to move. I'm thinking "Seriously, do you honestly think I just parked 14' from the stop sign in the middle of the busy road?" I start freaking out because I HATE people staring at me. I start silently swearing in my head, then I pray, then I decide I can't really be cussing at the same time I'm praying because that's just wrong, I cant find my phone to call my husband because it is buried underneath my a pink oil change notice in my purse, and I am sweating like its 140 degrees because I am freaking out.
Finally, and by finally I mean like 17 seconds after the stall, a car pulls over driven by a guy who resembles "The Hulk" and asks me if he can push me around the corner. All of Moms lessons about NOT talking to strangers were quickly wrenched over to the smart part of my brain and I practically hugged him and granted him the right to rename my child.
The air must have exploded with "Machoness" because 2 other guys quickly jumped out of their cars and started to help. They push me around the corner and I proceed to thank them and explain that my mechanic, who works just around the corner is on his way, which was a lie, but I just felt so stupid and really just wanted my husband there to fix it and the testosterone levels were making me a little uneasy. These guys proceeded to pop the hood and start grunting and pointing at things and speaking some other "broken car lets fix it" language. They are twisting & turning & checking gauge thingies, and end up looking at some sensor that shuts the car off when the car has no oil. One of them pulls a metal rod out of this tiny little hole, and loudly proclaims....."Ummm, you have no oil in your car". They turned to me with a "we are so embarrassed to have pushed you around the corner because you are too dumb to put oil in your car" look.
If it wasn't official before, I was now winning the award for girl idiot of the year.
The Hulk opens his trunk, grabs a quart of oil, puts it in and tells me to drive to my mechanics and get an oil change. He grabs the little "Oil Change Reminder notice" that is prominently displayed in the corner of my windshield and checks what the mileage was last oil change, looks at my current mileage and says....."you should have changed your oil 8,000 miles ago".
My husband is now pulling in and The Hulk explains the problem to him, he looks at me like he doesn't know who I am and acts like he is just pulling over to help. I glare at him, he shoots me a look like hes gonna kill me for almost blowing up my car, so I sheepishly retreat to my car and it starts right up.
I hurry back to the office, I'm thinking I should be making a quick detour to the church to repent for my "lying & cussing" ways. I am feeling lousy and really stupid, and I never did get my Frappachino.
I ultimately decide to stop at Younkers on the way home because I deserve a new pair of shoes for all of my stress and this whole thing is really Shane fault because.....I'm just a girl who barely passed drivers ed and he was fully aware of this when he married me.


  1. LOL! It is seriously 2:15 in the morning and I can't sleep so I decided to see if you had posted a new blog and you totally did and it is totally hilarious and I totally think that I woke my husband up because I was laughing so hard! I love ya Ang!

  2. car trouble = new shoes. I can totally get behind this logic.
