Monday, May 25, 2009

In Rememberance...

Today is a day to remember. I actually hope there will be no memory making moments today. Not because I don't want it to be special but because I want today for once, to not have anything to do with me.

Those who have been in my life that have passed on are few, but have left their words & wisdom impacted on my life and how I live it.

Pauline Peed
Your sweetness, your care, and your shuffling around the kitchen taking care of everyone. And who can ever forget that pot of chili when you grabbed the cinnamon instead of the chili powder. I would eat a bowl twice that size if to have lunch with you one more time. But most importantly I remember your voice saying out of the blue, and often....."God is so Good"
You are missed, but will see you again :)

Joyce Vance
Grandma, you left your mark. You were a lady with great strength and I had so much respect for you. You filled our summers with swimming, reading, sunning, and shopping! We would count the days until we would get to come to Arizona. Jen & I flying cross country alone with our name necklaces made with bright red string so you could spot us right when we got off the plane. The embarrassment of having to wear those paled in comparison to our excitement!
If I could let you know one thing it would be that it's not the sweater or necklace that you bought me that I remember most, it is all the lunches we shared after an afternoon of shopping and the dinners on your patio in the lazy Arizona evenings. I listened, and I learned, and I know that in the times I know you wanted to choke me for dumb decisions, your admonishment was always speaking in the back of my mind, and helped me find my way. I treat myself to a banana malt when I am missing you and I hope I make you proud.

Bill Vance
You have only been gone a few short years so it is still you I miss the most. You had a quiet strength and I have never met anyone who I respect more than you.

When I was little, my best friend Luke & I were raking leaves into a jumping pile but we only had one rake. He was a boy and was obviously doing it wrong so I innocently enough pointed that fact out. This set off the classic game of "I'm better than you". He proclaimed in his dumb boy way that "his dad owned the hardware store so he was the most important in Fort Dodge!". I knew I had him beat "Well my grandpa owns the bank so that makes him the richest man in the world!"

OK, so I got it a little wrong. I think I owe Luke an apology. But that's how I saw you grandpa, the best in the world.

When grandma would take us shopping, you would drive (thank God you would drive!) and patiently wait for us. Grandma would treat us to lunch, but you would treat us to ice cream later. You let us drive the golf cart around....sorry we speed raced with it. Thanks for the car buying advice even though at the time it was really hard to admit I got taken for a ride. You showed me that the right way isn't always the easiest way. That's an important lesson to learn.

I remember a dinner we shared not long before you got sick in which Shane & I were about to celebrate our 10 year anniversary. I asked you how in a world of dime store divorces you & grandma made it over 50 years. You said, "we never fought and when we did I always got the last word!". I was shocked! You did? You went on to say "I ended any & all arguments with these 2 words...."Yes Dear". I wish Shane was there to take notes :) You told me to chose my battles wisely, and I do...most of the time :)

At your funeral I was proud to hear all the stories of how you helped people out. People who would have never been where they are today without you. You never told us any of this! But, you wouldn't talk about about how great a man you were, great men never do.
You were very respected and well thought of...... how could you not be.

There is a proverb that says "A good name is more valuable than all the worlds silver and gold". Hmmmm, that makes me think..... maybe I don't owe Luke an apology. You were the richest man in the world, and I am so much richer for knowing you.

P.S. I will visit the cemetery with Maxine today, and after the reading of the WWII vets and hunting down your flagpole, we will be remembering you with Hot Fudge Sundays at Dairy Queen :)


  1. Aww ang this made me get teary eyed! it was so well written! I only met your grandpa a couple of times. But even in just those few times I really grew to like him and I knew that he knew a little something more about the world than I did :)

  2. You have made Grandma proud, Angie!
